Please pardon Bubba for the moment. I am his Dad/owner and I am here to talk about the Craigslist job section. As you all know, I have been in search of a job here of late. Contacted and sent resumes along with photo's of my cake work. Not a sol has contacted me back! So I thought I'd take a mintue and show ya'll my cakes in hopes someone will see them and want to hire me as a full time cake decorator.
I have been doing this for 35 years,but Bakeries now are afraid to hire someone of my caliber. Might have to pay him to much. Every bakery I've ever worked in, I have doubled their sales and knew the customers and their families on sight! Is there something wrong with this picture? I always prided myself on the quality work I have tried to uphold for myself.
I'm gonna take a chance and give ya'll my email address just in case someone is interested in contacting me for full time work. Any questions? I'm here and ready for work! Want your bakery sales to sky rocket? Then contact me.
It's the black and white of things in the job market these days. The news reports we're in recovery,but the jobs aren't coming. My Dad,once an employee of Whole Foods Market, Let him go for completing his job duties. He has never been fired for doing his job before. Word on the street is Whole Foods is in many lawsuits for firing people illegally! And may the judge throw the book at them! Sent out many resumes to jobs your qualified for and then some. Jobs listed on Craisglist that never answer you back. So why did they even list them if they aren't interested in fillin them in the first place? The world is a messed up place Possum's. I shall cal in Sharkboy and Lavagirl! Don't-cha wish it were that easy?
On the sadder things on importance, our beloved Elizabeth Taylor has passed away! Another one of the greats has left us! Sad Possum's ,very sad. We love you and may God bless!
Dear Babs is still goin strong! Here she is in her new book! The legend continues. That's the word here on a beautiful Wednesday mornin! Have a blessed day! Bubba
So...How does a sock monkey do the about me thing? Ya'll can already see I'm a brown work sock with a red heel bum! What else do ya'll need to know about me? OH! I likeee...loovveee chocolate! Sometimes I get up in the middle of the night to do random dacin! My Dad hates that! LOL! Need loud music for that! I guess bein awakened like that is a bit startlin! Major heart attack at his age!!! I read Amanda Bynes twitter and tweets! It's what I like about you. Bubba