







Tuesday, September 6, 2011

HELP There's a plastic dude in my bathroom


Bubba's Sock drawer has awakened to fall time temps. The air outside is as cool as aircondition. We had the rains fallin all day yesterday. Love this time of year, but it is curiouser and curiouser as it falls way to early in the season. Never the less I shall enjoy it just the same.


Good mornin my Possum's! With the weather so cool outside and rainy, I thought a warm hot bubble bath was in order. Hey! We Sock Monkeys have to get clean too!


HELP! there's a strange little plastic dude livin on my bathromm counter! Nobody of The Sock Drawer warehouse seems to know how he got there or where he came from! It was a topic out on the front porch last night durin our fall evenin coffee. He seems to have had a rough life. I mean he is missing his left arm. During the twilight of his life perhaps his vampire girlfriend ate it! One never seems to know about these things.


The next thing I knew he was over on the Washin machine! I think he was thinkin of takin a turn or spin in the spin cycle. Laundry soap would give him the bubble bath effect. Maybe, just maybe, he was copyin me! It is a form of flattery.


Sucks to be you plastic dude! You fell in the crapper! Dude! You will never...I mean never be able to wash that smell off of you! It's human poo! The nastiest!!!! They ate at Golden coral and everything! You know what that means! Veggie poo!


Each to his own plastic dude! I shall mosey on over here and groom my celebrity self. Watch your fingers Possum's I'm closin The Sock Drawer. Bubba