Since I missed the Easter blog,I'll go ahead and show ya'll the treats Mike made for the holiday. Cupcakes in the shape of chickens. They were very popular. Here it is Monday afternoon and the weather is great. Warm in the 70's. The rain has come and gone. Mike's cold is tryin ta get better. We're sittin here watchin Crank Yankers this afternoon. An adult puppet show. Pretty funny.
The Sock Monkey news of the day is....Mike has Sock Monkeys ta make for various friends. Three of his artistic friends are getting one each and there is no face features as of yet. They have to take them and make their faces themselves. Make it their own if ya will. Two Sock Monkeys have trips ta go on. One is goin ta Georgia and one is headed to Texas. Lots of Sock Monkey cheer ta spread around these days.
Good mornin Possums! Sorry bout not bloggin in so long,but Photobucket has changed their format and we here in the Sock Drawer have been tryin ta figure out how ta get our photos here in my blog! It's certainly not been an easy task! I use to could copy and paste,but all that has changed now. I suppose its to protect other folks from usein your photos. Makes it hard on us folks that aren't usin others photos. I finally got this one into the blog,but don't know if I can add the others I had planned to use in my blog.
I trust ya'll all had a great Easter! I spent mine in the bakery with Mike makin all kinds of Easter treats to be served up by none other than the Easter Bunny. I was doin the back stroke in a rather large vat of chocolate icing! Just kiddin! The health department would have a stroke and I'm not talkin the back stroke either! Our Easter was a success and all treats sold out!
On a different note.....Mike turned 50 on Saturday the 18th of April! Had many festive things planned,but Mike came down with a really bad cold! He took five days off to celebrate and spent them in bed. Now that sucks Possums! He's happy ta be alive and looks forward to his future and the future of our blog here.
The knitted dog was a thrift store find. Love folkart that others produced themselves.
So...How does a sock monkey do the about me thing? Ya'll can already see I'm a brown work sock with a red heel bum! What else do ya'll need to know about me? OH! I likeee...loovveee chocolate! Sometimes I get up in the middle of the night to do random dacin! My Dad hates that! LOL! Need loud music for that! I guess bein awakened like that is a bit startlin! Major heart attack at his age!!! I read Amanda Bynes twitter and tweets! It's what I like about you. Bubba