Goood evenin Possums! A tuesday night off from work,so what does one do with themselves? Why ya go and get yourself a jug of wine! What the hell! Bubba
Greetins Possums! Here we are on a Tuesday afternoon. The weather has been really warm this week. Rain in the forecast for today. It's overcast,but no sign of rain as of yet. Everywhere I go,folks are gettin ready for their romantic weekend ahead. Hearts and flowers swirlin all around. Everywhere ya'll look,red and pink colors of the Valentines day season. Seems as if we just got out of Christmas and here we are doin Valentines day. Already 2009 off and runnin. Next stop St. Patty's day. Year after year we go through the calendar of holidays.
Ellen has been sent her very own Sock Monkey. I personally thought it was wonderful. The woman who sent it to her got to visit the show. That was really special. I'll bet she was so excited. She took some of her Sock Monkeys and they were sittin with her in the audience. Pretty cool. I took the liberty of showin ya'll two more of her creations.
This must be the chef of the banana puddins! Sounds like a tasty treat a Sock Monkey chef would prepare and take great care and love in it's preparation. A banana puddin like no other. A flavor of explosion to the pallet. I fear that if he faced the Top Chef guys,their eyes would roll back in their heads and fall out of their chairs. They would truely savor the flavors!
What Sock Monkey community would be complete without it's Clergy? I have so enjoyed surfin the web for the neetest Sock Monkey goin's on. Love sharin them here with ya'll.
So...How does a sock monkey do the about me thing? Ya'll can already see I'm a brown work sock with a red heel bum! What else do ya'll need to know about me? OH! I likeee...loovveee chocolate! Sometimes I get up in the middle of the night to do random dacin! My Dad hates that! LOL! Need loud music for that! I guess bein awakened like that is a bit startlin! Major heart attack at his age!!! I read Amanda Bynes twitter and tweets! It's what I like about you. Bubba