







Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Thursday afternoon yahoositz


Good afternoon Possum's of the Sock Monkey house today! And look at the backdrop of choice! Love the old fashion feel it has to it! Mike thinks it will end up as a recover for a chair he picked up on the side of the road and dearly loves. A little paint and a quick recover with this fabric, it will turn out to be a work of art! And ya'll know I'll be johnny on the spot with a photo and all should that take place. On with the news of the rest of the day!


On the sadder side of things....Tony Curtis has passed away at the age of 85. It saddens my Sock Monkey heart cause I have watch his movies for many,many,many years! Now don't go makin me go and spill my age! Although you guys know how old I am if ya'll been payin attention to old Bubba's blogs all along. That in itself could be a whole nother blog in itself! Don't get me started on my makins, whereabouts and history!! I was almost at the very beginnin of the very existance of Sock Monkeys! Oops! Done let the cat out of the bag! Oh well! Its a beautiful day and the sun is shinin! I don't hear any birds out so I'm asummin they have already started their flights south.


News of the alley way out back ya'll ? Here is another picture of another chair or foot stool if ya'll will sittin around and just screamin out for me to come along and blog about it! So here it is. I know ya'll couldn't make through your lives with out knowin bout this stool. So out the back door Mike and I scampered with camera in tote. Mike said to say cheese,but I don't like cheese all that much and anyhow my smile is plastered on my face, so I just posed for the picture. BAM! Sock Monkey style! Cain't touch this! Don't make me go all MC Hammer on ya'll! Break dancin all over the alley way! And if I take a mind to I'll be jumppin on the foot stool with all my Sock Monkey Might! Have a Blessed day!!Bubba

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