







Saturday, March 19, 2011

The madness of a Sock Monkey


How in the Sock Monkey world are my Possum's this glorious mornin? Pardon me while I take my mornin whiz! A Sock monkeys gotta do what a Sock Monkeys gotta do Etc. Etc. Don't ya'll go lookin all disgusted...we all do it! Here in my Sock Drawer the coffee is a brewin! My dad has a job interview early this mornin. Got the whole house up and runnin around! Except for yesterdays blog, it's been a long time since I did my Sock Jargon And I've gotta Get myself back in the swing of things anyway.

Photobucket Photobucket

The weather here in Nashville turned out rather nicely yesterday! Got up in the 80's! So I took it upon myself to sit on my sofa in the backyard watchin the daylillies come up out of the ground! The Spring season starts here in a few days and the flowers are tryin ta do their thang! Hopefully we're done with the chilly cold temps for this year. With temps in the single digits this past winter...I'm done! And as promised, I've got more Sock Monkey madness photo's For today. Got an email from MS. Stacey last night (Scotts wife from Amazin arts) showing their Sock Monkey festival weddin pictures! They are so great! I'll post the URL here tomorrow for ya'll ta see.
as ya'll can see from these photo's , the festival was a crowded place!

I'm workin it for the camera again! This was a paintin done by one of the vendors Husbands. My dad politely ask if we might use it for a Kodak moment! They were all to eagar ta help us out! Look where that photo ended up! For all the world ta see! Cha-cha-cha!!! Doin the Sock Monkey hussle.
And on the folkart fly....A Sock Monkey quilt addorned the wall! Talkin my sweet down south language!! Folkart always a personal favorite. Hence the Sock Monkey.
I know I've photoed with this in the past,but what's one more time!? I'm just havin a Sock Monkey festival good time!
The Red Heeled Shelters booth lookin mighty good! Red bein one of my favorite colors...This was eye poppin! It was so good to meet these fine folks after all these years! Still lookin ta meet Cocoa, Cinnamon and Ginger one day from Cocoa's closet website. That's all the reminise I have at present. Have a blessed day Possum's! Bubba

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